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3rd Forum Presentations


Achieving Groundwater Use Efficiency in Northern China (PDF) or Presentation - Richard Evans, Stephen Foster and Hector Garduno

Australia - Managing it's Water Resources (PDF) or Presentation - Michael J Taylor

Community Participation - Learnings From The Murray-Darling Basin Experience (PDF) - Leith Boully

Innovation in Salinity Management - The California Experience (PDF) - J. Letey

Innovations in Ground Water Management - The Arvin-Edison Water Storage District of California (PDF) or Presentation - Henry Vaux Jr.

Innovations in Salinity Management in Australia (PDF) or Presentation - Kevin Goss

Innovative Groundwater Management in Namibia (PDF) or Presentation - Piet Heyns

Managing River Systems - The Murray-Darling Basin Experience (PDF) or Presentation - Don Blackmore

Privatization of the Water Sector - Israel's Experience (PDF) or Presentation - Sion Cohen

Public and Private Options in Australian Water Management (PDF) or Presentation - Paul J. Perkins

Salinity Management in the Nile Delta Case Study - Reuse of Drainage Water in Egypt (PDF) or Presentation - Dr. Abdel Fattah Metawie

Shared Watercourses in the Southern African Development Community: Challenges and Opportunities (PDF) or Presentation - Salman M.A. Salman

Spain's Ebro Delta (PDF) or Presentation - Josep Dolz

Stakeholder Consultations in Irrigation Reforms - The Case of Andhra Pradesh (PDF) or Presentation - J. Raymond Peter

The European Union's Water Framework Directive - Towards an Integrated Management of Water Resources at the River Basin Scale (PDF) or Presentation - Pierre Strosser

The Mekong River Basin - Lessons from Integration Efforts and Trends (PDF) or Presentation- Prachoom Chom Chai

The Orange County Water District's Comprehensive Water Resources Management Program (PDF) or Presentation - Walter R. Mills

The Reform in Israeli Agricultural Water Pricing - A New Way or No-Way (PDF) or Presentation - Eli Feinerman and Gadi Rosenthal